Rhubarb and custard tart
Ginger and rhubarb are a perfect marriage, as is rhubarb and custard, so this makes a harmonious ménage à trois. It is important to make sure the pastry has no holes and is properly cooked, and to take the tart out of the oven when there is still a tiny wobble.
Recipe information
Serves 8
For the pastry
For the filling
For the rhubarb
To serve
Step 1
Beat the butter and sugar together until fluffy, then add 2 egg yolks. Add the lemon zest, fold in the flour and ground ginger and knead lightly to a dough. Roll into a ball and chill for an hour.
Step 2
With the help of a dusting of flour, roll out the pastry to 2-3mm thick and place in a tart ring measuring 4cm deep and 24cm in diameter set on a baking sheet. Push the dough into the corners, leaving a little pastry hanging over the top of the ring. Line the tart with greaseproof paper and fill with baking beans or rice. Bake for 25 minutes at 180°C/fan oven 160°C/mark 4.
Step 3
Remove the paper and beans or rice and return to the oven for
5 minutes. Beat the last egg yolk, then use to brush the tart interior.Step 4
Steep the ginger in the creams for 20 minutes. Liquidise and pass through a sieve, then mix with the sugar and 10 egg yolks.
Step 5
Place the tart shell halfway into the oven and pour in the mix before carefully sliding into the oven. Bake at 140°C/fan oven 120°C/mark 1 for 50 minutes. When nudged, the filling should wobble but not be liquid. Allow to cool before unmoulding the tart.
Step 6
Cut the rhubarb into finger lengths. Bring the sugar and vanilla pod to a simmer in 500ml water. Add the rhubarb and poach gently for 5 minutes, until starting to yield. Leave to cool in the syrup.
Step 7
Once chilled, serve wedges of the tart with 3 or 4 sticks of poached rhubarb and a spoonful of crème fraîche.
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